Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Chapter 15

“Keira, Shira!” Lana called catching her girlfriends, or as Pidge like to call them: her lesbaes, in the middle of training. Keira currently was cutting a gladiator in two while Shira was guarding her back from another gladiator. Both of their head snapped in her direction and were almost hit in the heads from the robots swinging their weapons. “End training sequence!”

The women sighed in relief and went over to their lover, immediately enraptured by her beauty and mere presence. “Hey kitten,” Shira said causing the woman to blush at the pet name. Even after all these months, Lana still wasn’t used to their constant affection.

Keira wrapped her arms around the blue paladin, much to her protests, and placed a sound kiss on her lips. God, Keira would never get tired of doing this. She had wanted it for so long and now that she had it, she couldn’t get enough.

Shira watched happily and with slight arousal as her lovers tongues swirled around each other in the most erotic manner. Lana pushed the red paladin away, ignoring her whines and attempts to reclaim her lips. “You’re sweaty, stop. That’s nasty.”

Lana rolled her eye as the paladin gave her the best damn puppy eyes know to man (next to Lana’s that is). Lana huffed and let Keira bury her face in her chest, much to the paladin’s delight. Lana sighed fondly and tilted her head up to receive a chaste kiss from Shira.

They broke the kiss, and Lana gave Shira a shy, happy smile before swatting at Keria’s head since the woman had started to move her hands under and up Lana’s shirt. Keira’s hands continued to travel up until they reached the bottom of Lana’s bra. She brought a finger under the fabric and pulled only to release it seconds later. The sting the fabric snapping back sent pleasant tingles down Lana’s spine.

Shira chuckled when Lana began to push Keira away, but once again gave up, accepting her fate. “You called us?” Shira asked.

“Oh that’s right!” Lana started. “Can you guys meet me in our room at around 8-ish? I have a surprise.” Lana smiled at their curious looks and placed a kiss on both of their lips before slipping out of Keira’s arms. “See ya!” She said.

Lana noticed that they were enraptured in the swing of her hips and the way the leggings that she was wearing made her ass look so she called for the training sequence to continue before leaving the room. She giggled at Keira’s squawk of surprise, and began to walk down the hall towards Allura’s room. They had things to plan. 


When Shira and Keira stepped into their room, they were full of nerves.* When they saw that not a single thing was out of place in the room, their panic spiked. What did Lana have to show them?

“Lana?” Keira called out.

“One minute!” Came Lana’s response from the bathroom. “Just sit on the bed and wait.”

The two did as they were told and Keira began to fidget with her gloves, running her index finger under the fabric.

“What do you think she wants to show us?” Shira said, bouncing her leg with her hands clasped in her lap.

“I don’t know, but I need to know now. I’ve never been this nervous before. What if it’s something bad? What if she wants to break up with us?” Keira began to truly panic at the second question was going to start pacing, but Shira grabbed her and kept her butt down on the bed.

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