Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds @ A03

Chapter 6


The King of the planet looked to be a snake with no tail, or was it a neck? What are snakes? Long tails or long necks? Whatever, he was a snake-like creature with a humanoid body. He had the head of a king cobra- how fitting- and his scales were a magnificent black color with bits of brown in between. He was well muscled and and stood far above Shira’s 6’4” height. He was an imposing figure, though Shira knew she could take the alien down in a few minutes. He looked to be shy and timid, not one for fighting.

They got back to the office and Shira felt her blood boil. The winged alien now had Lana lying down on the table, standing between her parted legs. He was still at her neck, leaving a hickey on her jaw. He had two fingers under the helm of Lana’s dress, slowly moving the fabric up. His wings were extended high above his body, the tips of his primary feathers brushing the ceiling. That was saying something considering the ceiling was about fifteen feet above Shira’s head. Lana ran her hands through his white hair, tugging slightly, which cause him to let out a pleased rumble. The sound made the serpent king bring his hands up to cover his ears, shutting his eyes. If he was able to, Shira knew he would be blushing.

Keira coughed which caused the alien to growl as he looked at them. Snapping his wings down to cover up Lana in her disheveled state. Keira and Shira gave him twin glares and he seemed to notice where he was. He quickly sat Lana up, with his wings still around her and readjusted whatever he had put out of place.

Shira patted the king on the arm to show that the coast was clear and they walked over to the front door of the office. Keira tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the alien to finish his business. The winged alien walked Lana over to their small group, one wing around her, whispering in her ear. When the reached the door the alien turned Lana around and placed a possessive kiss on her lips, cupping her cheek. When they parted Shira was the one being held back, her arm gaining a purple glow. The alien smiled charmingly down at Lana placing one last peck on her lips before opening the door and pinching her ass affectionately before letting her go. Keira had to physically drag Shira away from the office so that she wouldn’t attack the smug man.

When they reached the top of the staircase, Shira and Keira were immediately at Lana’s side.

“Are you okay?”

“Did he go too far?”

“Do I need to go back and kill him?”

“Do we need to back and kill him.”

“That’s what I said.”

Shira raised an eyebrow at Keira who shrugged her shoulders. Their focus was immediately drawn to Lana who was letting out tinkling laughter. “I’m fine guys honestly.” The red and black paladins relaxed and let her grab both of their hands and lead them down the red hallway, the king following quietly behind them. Once they reached the main club room, all eyes were once again on Lana though she didn’t pay much attention to them as she was busy throwing playful jabs at Keira. They were mid-way through the dance floor when Lana let out a startled shriek. The other two paladins whipped around to see what had caused that noise and saw a stick like alien standing there, drawing away a hand that had a tongue lolling out of the palm.

Shira looked Lana up and down and saw moisture on her right thigh that definitely hadn’t been there before. The alien reached out, but before he could touch Lana’s hair his hand was cut off by an infuriated Keira. The alien screamed clutching the ligament to his chest.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Keira spat in his face.

“She is mine. I’ve claimed her. Can’t you see?” The alien gestured to the spit on Lana’s thigh with it’s other three arms.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“In my culture when you lick a possible mate it shows that they are yours. Whether the other likes it or not they now belong to you. If they do not cooperate they will be killed. It is disrespectful to deny someone who has chosen you to be their mate.”

Shira’s eyebrows made a V on her face… was he saying…? “So you mean to tell us that she now belongs to you?”


“Aha, no. Nope. Noppers. Not gonna happen buddy,” Lana said slowly backing away from the alien that was advancing on her. “I don’t belong to anyone. And if I did, it certainly wouldn’t be you.”

The alien’s single eye narrowed. "Then you shall face the penalty," he said before he began to grow. The small bug wings on his back sprouted out to be around forty feet each bending at the corners of the walls. His cat like ears pressed to the back of his head and his body began to gain muscle. Patrons of the club began to scream and run out of the doors of the club. Climbing and fighting each other, trying to leave first. The alien’s mass soon became too much for the room to handle and the ceiling broke. Stone and wood rained down on the people still left in the club, knocking out some, while crushing and killing others. The paladins began to run out of the club, but Shira had to double back to get the king as he had been frozen in fear. 

As they ran towards their ship, the alien finally broke through the roof completely and let out a blood curdling screech. Shira had never ran faster in her life, scooping up Lana as she passed by her. When they reached the ship, Keira immediately turned it on and took off, not waiting for anyone to sit down and buckle up. Keira put the ship on its emergency blasters and broke through the atmosphere in record speed, putting in coordinates to the Castle Ship. Shira turned to look at the woman in her arms, the poor girl looked so shaken. Her skin had taken on her pale color and she was trembling with wide eyes staring at nothing. Shira and Keira shared a look before glancing back down at the woman they loved.

Shira glance over at the king who was sitting down on one of the chairs, looking as shaken as Shira felt. That could have gone better. A lot better. At least it was over. Finally.

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