Being Ignored Is Hard On The Heart

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Chapter 11

The rest of the book was finished by PaladinOfYourDreams @ Ao3


The car ride home was silent except for the quiet hum of the radio. It was peaceful and relaxing compared to the loud, occasionally hectic environment at the diner. Lance sat in the passenger's seat as he rested his hand upon the armrest. He peered out the window as he observed the changing environment.

He let his mind wander, peacefully watching the landscape pass through the window. As the car drove through the country, Lance observed the scenery. Maple, oak, and cherry trees, farmers fields, and the sunset in the quaint countryside was just so - beautiful. Relaxing. Peaceful.

He slowly felt his consciousness ebbing away as his thoughts, as clear and concise as they were moments ago, were coming to an end. Before he knew it, he drifted into a well-deserved, and well needed slumber.


“Mijo, wake up!” Mrs.McClain called out to him as she gently shook him awake.

“Hmm?” He replied quietly, voice filled with fatigue.

Before he knew it, they had arrived back home. Although it only took around 30 minutes to or from the diner, the ride seemed incredibly short. Yet at the same time he felt as if he had been asleep for hours.

He hopped out of the car. As he went to open the door he was quickly greeted.

“Lancey-lance! How was work?” Veronica and Ximena greeted them at the door.

“And… how is Shiro?” Ximena chimed in as she made fake kissing sounds

“H-he’s doing good, I guess.” Lance began to blush, feeling as if his face was turning entirely red.

Both girls giggled at his reaction and answer.

“Veronica, Ximena, it’s time for bed now. Let’s leave Lance alone, ok? He’s been very busy at the diner today.” It was almost as if Mrs.McClain could sense his embarrassment.

“And Mijo I think you should go to bed too, It’s getting quite late.” She said.

“Yes, mama.” He replied with a thankful smile on his face..

He began his bedtime routine. He brushed his teeth and hair, then washed his face. Next, he changed into his blue pajamas.

He then turned off the light in his room and crawled into bed. He wrapped the soft blankets around himself and layed comfortably under the covers. He closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.

He wasn’t tired though. He couldn’t fall asleep, no matter what he tried. He knew that he shouldn’t have slept on the ride back home.

Lance counted sheep in his head, tossed and turned, and tried to empty his mind. But he couldn’t fall asleep, no matter what he tried. He knew that he shouldn’t have slept on the ride back home.

So he instead he thought. He had avoided the inevitable long enough.

I should forgive them. I mean, I hate that they ignored me, and I still don’t understand why they did it, but they regret it. They knew how insecure I was, and still they made me feel like trash. They must be sorry, because they’ve gone out of their way to apologize, but I just don’t know what to do. I miss hanging out with all of them. Especially Hunk and Pidge, and besides it’s really awkward when I’m at Shiro’s and Keith is around.

At this point in time, he had given up on sleep. He grabbed and unlocked his phone. He began to text Shiro.


21:15 Lancey Lance: hey shiro, are you still awake?

21:17 Galaxy Dad: Yes, but I won’t be for long. Is something the matter? You never text me this late.

21:18 Lancey Lance: well, i can’t fall asleep and also i really want to forgive everybody, but they made me feel like trash. i miss them all so much. I just want to forgive them all so everything can go back to normal but i don’t know if i'm ready too.

21:21 Galaxy Dad: Want to come over? You seem like you have a lot on your mind.

21:22 Lancey Lance: sure, that would be amazing! wait, what about mullet?

21:23 Galaxy Dad: Keith? He’s harmless, and beside’s he’s already asleep.

21:24 Lancey Lance: ok, if you say so...

21:25 Galaxy dad: Lance, trust me he won’t be a problem.

21:27 Lancey Lance: ok :)

21:30 Galaxy Dad: well I guess I’ll see you later Lance.

21:31 Lancey Lance: i’ll be there in 10 minutes. bye Shiro :)

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