Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds @ A03

Chapter 3

A/N : This might be my favorite one I've posted so far. And question. Should I go back through and put the credits on every chapter? I don't want a repeat of what happened last time smh


When Shira got off the ship, her first priority was to make sure that Lana got off safe. She turned around and put her hands on Lana’s waist and picked her up, God she was light, before gently placing her down on the planet's surface. Her hands rested on Lana’s tiny waist a little longer than was necessary, but she relished the time that she could touch the girl. Keira jumped down next to them with the empty case that was supposed to hold money, and dusted of the cloak that she would wear to cover her identity.

“Ready?” Keira asked, a nervous tremor in her voice that one wouldn’t pick up on unless they had known her for years. Lana took a shaky breath and nodded her head, looping her arms through Shira and Keira’s arms, just like they had discussed.

As they began to walk towards the club, Shira decided to take her fill of the girl. She was such a beauty, all nice curves, smooth slopes and pretty edges. God, anyone would be lucky to be with the goddess standing next to her, and she and Keira were desperate to be those people. They would do anything for her. If she told them to launch themselves into space from the air lock? They would do it. If she told them to join the Galra? They would do it. If she told them to abandon Voltron? They would do it. God, there wasn’t a thing in this known reality they wouldn’t do for her. Who wouldn’t? She was so sweet and happy and bubbly and just everything that Shira and Keira needed in their relationship. The amount of power Lana had over the two of them was almost scary, but they wouldn’t trust that power with anyone else.         

As her eyes wandered down the girl, they snagged on the two tattoos. The one on her back looked to be a poem or a song, while the one on her arm was a little flower crown.

“Hey Lana.” When Lana turned to look at Shira with her pretty blue eyes, she was struck dumb for a second at the absolute beauty in them. God, she was so. Fucking. Pretty . “U-Um w-wha,” Shira stuttered for a moment before regaining her composure. “What do your tattoos mean?”

Lana’s face light up like a fucking firework and damn Shira was smitten.

“Well the one on my back is a poem by Nathaniel Hawthorne called The Ocean.”

“What does it say?” Keira asked.

“The Ocean has its silent caves,

Deep, quiet and alone;

Though there be fury on the waves

Beneath them there is none


The awful spirits of the deep

Hold their communion there;

And there are those for whom we weep,

The young, the bright, the fair.


Calmly the wearied seamen rest

Beneath their own blue sea

The ocean solitudes are blest,

For there is purity


The earth has guilt, the earth has care,

Unquiet are it’s graves;

But peaceful sleep is ever there,

Beneath the dark blue waves.”

“Only you would memorize such a sentimental poem like that wouldn’t you,” Keira affectionately teased.

Lana gave a tinkling laugh that sounded like noon church bells. The corners of her eyes crinkled, and her red lips spread in a smile. She tossed her head back and Shira’s eyes followed the curve of her neck. Damn, damn, damn, Shira wanted to kiss all over that beautiful face. Wanted to kiss down that lovely neck. Wanted to leave hickeys that marked Lana as hers. Wanted to kiss those lips so that she could finally know how she tasted. Wanted to hold that body close at night and whisper sweet nothings in her ears. Wanted to feel that body writhing against hers in pleasure. Wanted to know what it was like to have Lana as hers. Needed to know what it was like for the universe to know that Lana was hers.

Shira threw a glare at some wolf like aliens that were eyeing Lana up and down with a predatory look in their eyes. No one looked at her Lana that way. No one.

“And the flower crown?” Keira’s question snapped Shira out of her possessive haze. Lana’s face fell and a sad expression took over, Shira would be willing to do anything just to make that expression never appear on Lana’s face again.

“I-I’m not-” Lana’s voice flattered and tears started to gather at the corners of her eyes.

“It’s okay if it has a special meaning to you and you don’t want to share it yet. We won’t pry,” Shira soothed her and was glad to see the sadness wash away and transform into gratitude. Shira wanted to know what the important meaning of the tattoo was, but kept down her curiosity. Shira smiled at her, and looked over Lana’s head to look at Keira. Thank you. Keira mouthed. Shira knew that the girl was never the best at words and comfort even less so. Shira nodded her head before she looked forwards and noticed that they were approaching the doors of the club. Shira took a deep breath and willed away the doubts. This was going to go fine. Just fine...  

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