Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds @ A03

Chapter 7


Once they got back to the Castle Ship, they immediately went to the healing pods as the king was hurt during the showering of debris. They then headed to the bridge where the rest of the paladins, Allura, and Coran were.

As they walked through the halls… well, Shira and Keira were walking.Lana was still being carried, not that she was complaining. Lana was tucked into Shira’s front. Her head resting on her busty chest. He legs were tucked up closed to her own chest and her arms were draped over her stomach. She was basically in the fetal position and she couldn’t care less. Shira was a warm comfort to her. Normally Lana would go to Hunk for this kind of warmth, but that currently wasn’t an option as Shira was not putting her down.

“Shira I’m fine, I can walk on my own.”

“I’m sure you can Lana, but I’m not letting you down.”

“Shira I’m fine. ”

“And I said that I know.”



Shira and Lana began a staring contest, much to the amusement of Keira. It was a good forty-five seconds before Shira’s eyes began to water, but she refused to break their contact. Eventually the black paladin had to blink rapidly to stop her eyes from drying out. Lana pumped her fist in victory and began to release celebratory finger guns.

“The queen continues her reign!” Lana cackled, singing her legs happily.

“Continue your reign?” Keira asked from her place on the wall. Lana blushed. Damn, if anyone would have a sexy lean then it would be Keira Fucking Kogane.

“I grew up with a lot of siblings and even more nieces, nephews and cousins. I can’t count all of them on all of our fingers combined. I never really got that much as a child. The side effects of being the youngest. I got hand-me-downs and broken toys. My family wasn’t the richest, but we were happy.” Lana smiled as the fond memories returned. “If you wanted something in my house. You would have to fight for it. You either wrestled, yelled or had staring contests. I always wanted something, I was a needy child-”

“Still are needy.” Lana chose to ignore Keira’s comment.

“I would have to win all of my staring contests since I was too small to fight with them and my voice was too high to be taken seriously.”

Shira nodded along to her logic, shifting her weight to the other hip and jostling Lana from her warm spot. Oh, wait, nevermind, Shira is warm all over, the woman is like a fucking furnace. Shira was a furnace in general, in other words she was hot. Like, mama mia let me rest in peace hot. Shira was a gorgeous sight to see, if you like strong women. And Lana is a downright slut for them. And considering the fact that both Keira and Shira are both strong women… well you get the picture.

“I became the reigning queen in my household. Nobody could win against me. Not even mi abuelo could, and he never closes his eyes.” Lana laughed at the memories of her ‘evil’ grandfather. She sighed in contentment and nuzzled her face into Shira’s chest. Not once did she notice the flush on Shira’s face at the action or the look of fond possession from Keira. Lana was also oblivious to Keira when she mouthed ‘Can we keep her?’ to Shira.

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