The Powercut

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Angie's pov -

I quickly looked in the mirror before opening my door, I was still really red. But I open it, it was German. He was there with his big white smile. I finally got back to reality but German didn't I click my fingers in front of his face, after about five minutes he came back to earth.

He look at me with his deep brown eyes. I knew he was going to kiss me but I couldn't. Not my sister's widow, not my niece's dad, not my brother-in-law its not right. He was seconds away from kissing me. what do I do.

I couldn't resist. We  kissed right there, His Girlfriend right beneath us in the living room. And Violetta Oh my god I thought where's Violetta. I heard a fake cough come behind German we both look behind him.

We saw Violetta there with the biggest grin on her face. She was about to scream. I put my finger on my lips to signal her to be quiet. She put her thumbs up so I knew she would be quiet. But then I felt someone grab my hand. It was German I pulled away as I saw that he was going down stairs I shook my head to tell him that it was never meant to happen.  When all of this was happening I heard a massive crash of thunder.

The lights began to go off and on and then they went off completely. German ran down stairs to go and speak to Esmeralda. I was only on the stairs so I could hear everything they were saying I heard German telling Esmeralda to go home and check if everything is okay there. For once Esmeralda actually listened to him and walk out the door. I walk down and felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was Pablo

Start of call *********

"Hi Angie" Pablo said

"Hey Pablo what's up" Angie Replied

"The studio is closed today we have a power cut so we can't use a lot of the stuff there so there's no point" Pablo explain

"oh okay" Angie said, (she was quite disappointed because she loves the studio)  

Call ended ***************

German looked at me I told him what has happened and he started to grin but I didn't understand why.

Then he look at me with his big brown eyes and he said "well it looks like you are going to have a fun day with me" I look at him confused but he carries on explaining how he loves power cuts and how he can't do his work either because he can turn on his computer. So after a lot of persuading I agree to have a fun power cut day with him.

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