Not Her

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Angie's POV-

i carried on reading Pablo Galindo is in a relationship with Esmeralda Di Pietro, I was shocked I nudged German under the table and showed him the post he took out his phone out of his pocket went on Facebook he clicked on his profile that he hadn't been on for like 3 years, He pointed and the screen to make me watch. He held my left hand took a picture of the ring. Posted it on Facebook, He got the relationship thing and put German Castillo Engaged to Angie Cararra. I smiled at him. I smiled at him we were basically having our own pritve chat when everyone else is looking at us. We are so anti-social. Everyone's breakfast came we started to eat. German's phone didn't stop vibrating all through breakfast.

After we had breakfast German took me around paris again, He knew his way around really well. We ended up by the effile Tower again. We ask someone to take our picture by it. German passed his phone over to the man, Then came behind me and put his arms around my waist, put his chin on my shoulder, and smiled, the man took the photo and then gave it back to German. I looked at the photo is was amazing.

We went back to the hotel after a lovely day in Paris, we went up to our room and German's phone started to vibrate, He walked out the room, i went and lied on the bed and thought of all the people that would phone him. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't notice that Violetta had walked in to my room she lied next to me. She clicked her fingers i got back to reality, She asked me what i was thinking about, I told her that her dad had a phone call and he walked out the room, so i was thinking who it would be.  Violetta then asked "you don't think it is Esmeralda do you?", I shook my head, I hope it wasn't anyway.

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