A Surprise ...............

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Angie's POV-

as I looked in to the envelope I found tickets with six names on German Castillo, Violetta Castillo, Angie Carrara, Leon Verdas, Olga Pena and Lisandro Ramallo as I read further on I found out that we were going to Paris, I read even further and found the date, it look familiar, I thought and I thought the finally I realised that it was my birthday that day. Violetta still didn't know what was going on so she came up behind me and read the tickets. She was so excited. Even more then I was, I kissed German to thank him, and he told everyone else about it. they were all excited. We ate our breakfast when I was putting dates through my head. So we are going on the 2nd of February but it's the 25th of January today that means we only have a week and a day to get everything packed and ready. Violetta started to get really excited and stared screaming " AHHHH A WEEK I CAN'T WAIT!!".

After Vilu had calmed down, I told her that we needed to go shopping, So I ran up stairs got ready and I came back down the stairs waiting for Violetta to come down. I started to play with my beautiful bracelet German got me, I heard him come out his office but I carried on looking at each charm. He came behind me, he put his chin on my shoulder and his arms around my waist.

He whispered in my ear "Does ma 'dam need a bag carrier or does her boyfriend need to find another excuse to come shopping with her". I look in to his eyes and say you can come if you want to I don't mind. A massive grin appeared on his face, he lent in and kissed my forehead.

After about half an hour Violetta finally comes out her room all ready to go. I get my car keys (I love my car, My little red mini), We all get into the car and start to go to the shops, We go in to the first shop and within two seconds Violetta has already got about six outfits to try on. Me and Vilu go in to the changing rooms and German said that he was going to go to another shop and for me to phone him, when we are done. I see him leave he looks though the shop window and blows me a kiss.

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