The Note

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Angie's POV-

I picked it up from under the window wipers The note said ....

Dear the perfect couple,

I am going to be staying in Cami's tonight, Olga has cooked you a romantic meal, I told her to, And then Ramallo and Olga will be going out, I thought you could have a romantic night in with out any thing dramatic happening.

Lots of Love, I love you both

Violetta xxx

After I read the note I smiled and so did German, I asked him did he have anything to do with it he said "no" this surprised me.. He opened the car door for me, and then when I got in he closed it after me. When he came around to the driver's side and got in he held my hand. he started to drive still holding on to my hand. When we got home I got changed, and back down, German was watching me come down the stairs, but he had something in his hand.

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