Secretly Welsh

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German pov -

"what is it?" Angie repeated, Sorry I said "I was just day dreaming, I have a business meeting from Wales, And I was wondering if you could help me speak welsh or translate what they are saying" 

But Angie replied "you do know they speak English over there right?" 

I thought damn she has caught me out all I wanted to do is spend extra time with her now what  am I going to do. I thought and I thought. I came up with an idea. " Angie please, Help me maybe if I spoke in there language a bit it would make them want to work with me more" okay as soon as I said that I felt stupid. She look at me with a weird stare. Then a few minutes later I told her the real reason. Because I want to spend more time with her, she looked at me now but with a awwww face. "your so cute German"

Angie pov

After he nearly begged me to help him he kept on looking in my eyes again I thought to myself can I resist my self. I did I ignored him and walked passed him and  straight out of Violetta's room, He called after me and shouted "Angie can I have a word with you after in my office". When ever he said this I knew I had done something wrong or maybe I hadn't I actually I  had no idea. As soon as I went down the stairs Violetta was smiling at me. I think I knew why she thought something was still going on with me and her dad but ... Its a lot more complicated then that.

The feeling would always stay in my head that it wasn't right, that I shouldn't being doing any of this with German. He is my sister's husband how could I do that and also he is taken. I put my head in my hands. then I felt someone put their arm around my waist. I knew exactly who it was and I didn't know what to do.

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