My Two Favouite Girls

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German's POV-

After I made sure that Esmeralda did leave for good, I ran up to Violetta's room and went in very quietly. My two favourite girls we sitting down on Vilu's bed. Violetta saw that I came in but I put my finger on my lip to tell her to be quiet, Angie had her back to the door so she didn't notice that I came in. I sneaked up behind her and lifted her up. You could tell that she had a fright because she was nearly screaming.

I dropped Angie on Violetta's bed. We were all laughing then Violetta asked has Esmeralda gone now. I nodded. Angie began to smile and then Violetta started sing that song from wizards of Oz. "Ding Dong, The witch is dead." We all began to laugh. I asked Angie can I speak to her outside. As we walking out I winked at Violetta. Then she winked at Angie. We stepped outside Violetta's room.

Angie's POV-

Me and German walked out of the room, He put his hands on my waist and said ..................

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