Fi Cariad i Chi

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Angie POV- 

German was here at the studio dead on 12:30, I waved to Violetta and jumped in to the car, I put my seatbelt on and I noticed we weren't moving. German was in one of his daydreams again. he kept on staring at me. It made me laugh a bit because no matter how many times I say his name of click my fingers in front of his face he wouldn't snap out of his little day dream after about 5 minutes he still hasn't snapped out of it. Violetta came walking towards the car, I looked out and saw her she was laughing with Cami and Francesca. She must of told them because all three of them were laughing at the way German was staring at me.

Eventually he snapped out of his daydream, and we started to drive home, When we stopped out side the house, He came around and opened my door for me and as soon as I stepped out of the car he held my head I found this really cute. As we walked In to the house he said that he was just going to get his jumper, So I headed to his office, when I got there, there was a little card saying -

To My Beautiful Angie

Please come out to the garden I have something planned for you before our business call

lots of love

German xxxxxxxxx

I walked straight out to the garden, He was lying on the picnic blanket. I sat down beside him, He told me that he had made me a welsh themed picnic because I am helping him with his call. I told him that his idea was really really cute. I loved his mini cream tea it was perfect.

After a lovely dinner with German, I texted Pablo saying that I would not be in for next lesson but I would be in to teach my last lesson. I didn't have a class to teach next, it's just if he was worrying about me.

I went in to German's office he got me a chair by his desk, and was setting up his laptop because we would do the call through Skype. As I got a pen and my notes of welsh my grandmother told me I must remember, German looked in to my eyes I kissed him as I pulled away the Welsh company were calling him

I was translating all the stuff as well as I could. I didn't think that they would speak completely welsh. After the call I was so tired. But I still had a lesson in the studio to teach and I had a date with German. When I was just about to leave he said that he learnt some welsh that he wanted to say to me. So before I left he came up to me hugged me and said "fi .... cariad ... I.. chi" he had little breaks in between every word as he tried to remember the words, But  I  knew exactly what this meant straight away It meant I Love You.

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