A Favor

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Angie POV-

I was walking with Violetta to the studio, We were talking about her assignment that Pablo set her, She was going to do a multi-language song with Cami, Francesca, Maxi and some of the other people in her year, I loved that idea because I know that a lot of people can speak in all the different languages in her year, I knew that it would be one of a kind for sure. When we got to the studio, Francesca and Cami came straight up to Vilu, So I decided to go to my classroom and get my lesson set up.

When I was done getting the sheet music ready, I decided to play Libre Soy, I love that song and I think that is where Violetta got the idea to do her multi-language song idea from, As soon as I was playing the last note Pablo walked in.

"Hi Pablo" I said to him, He asked me what did I do yesterday as there was no studio, I told him about the paint powder, and the dramatic stuff that happened to Me, German and Esmeralda. He laughed I have no idea why though. Just as Pablo was going to say something my phone rang, It was German this made me smile. I looked at Pablo and he smiled and rolled his eyes. I answered it.

Call started *************

Angie - Hellooo

German - Hello beautiful

Angie - Has something happened?

German- Yeah I miss you

Angie - I miss you too

German- But seriously I miss you but I need you help with that welsh company

Angie- Oh yeah I forgot, I am free at dinner

German- Great, I will pick you up.

Angie- Okay, I will be ready at around 12:30.

German- Okay, I love you Angie

Angie- I love you tooo, But I have to go I have a lesson.

German- Right then I will see you at 12:30 then.

Call ended ***************

I looked at Pablo  through out the phone call, He kept on doing faces when I was talking to German (it was quite funny). So I thought I need to practise my Welsh before dinner time. I think I better phone my Nain (Grandmother in welsh) before Violetta's class' lesson.

German POV-

I was hoping that Angie would say that she would be free at dinner, Before the business call I am going to make her a nice picnic, We could eat it outside in the garden, Unless it started raining again. I think to myself I must find Olga.

I finally found her and she started to tease me when I told her my plan. After all the teasing she help me bake Angie's favourite things but putting a welsh twist to them. For example she loves little bakery thing so we made her scones with homemade jam because cream tea's are very popular in wales). Thanks to Olga and all her research and cooking skills we had made all of these lovely things for my Angie. I looked at the clock it was 12:15 if I leave now I will be there on time.

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