The Crash

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Couple of Months later

Angie's POV

I heard a knock at the door I walk up to it, there she was standing, Esmeralda. I stood there staring at her. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, it was German. He put his arm around my waist.

"Hi Esmeralda" he said as if he was his friend, They have been getting really close recently, I am getting sick of it!. I was watching Esmeralda and German talking and laughing for about a hour before she finally left.

But as soon as she left I lost it with German I was shouting and having a go at him, I was so annoyed I felt like an excuse for when they had a brake up. After thirty minutes of arguing, Violetta came walking out of her room and then down the stairs, I couldn't say anything I left the house and went straight to my car, I got in to my car and started it, I drove out of my parking space. I didn't know where to go. I started to go down the motorway, I heard my phone ring I look to find it but that's when it happened.

I don't know what exactly happened but all I can remember is waking up in hospital.

Germans POV-

After twenty minutes, it thought she would of came back. She hadn't I thought to my self I have to ring her. I rang her several times but she never picked up.

I saw the way she had went I followed that road It lead to the motorway, There way massive queues. I saw flashing lights in a distance. Someone must be hurt.

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