The office

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Angie POV -

As soon as I took my hands away from my face I had noticed It was German who was holding on to me I don't understand why though his girlfriend is right there across the room from us. Why is he doing this...

He took me in to his office and he told me to sit down. I looked to my left and there on the window sile there it lied, the picture of my sister. I feel tears come into my eyes. I remember all the good times I had with her I just wished she was here now. Things would be a lot less complicated. After a few seconds of crying I turn to face forward again, German was there staring at me this made me feel a little uncomfortable. it thought I better start the conversation.

"German what have I done wrong?" I asked, "what happened upstairs Angie, did I say something wrong or do something" He replied he made me feel really guilty. "I just find it a bit stupid that you kiss me when you have a girlfriend, do you think it is right or something" I say quite quickly. "I know it is bad, but I want to end my relationship with Esmeralda but that means I want to be with you Angie, Like today with paint I have never had that much fun in years, I love the way that you treat me and Violetta, I love the way you smile, I love the way you make everything fun even if it is boring, Angie I love you"

I quickly respond "Why are you with her then because you said its a cover up but the truth is out now German." I am about to cry. I ran out to the garden and saw Violetta was there I was so glad because all I really needed was a hug from her and it made me feel all better.

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