Thank You German

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Angie's POV-

I opened the box to reveal a locket that look very similar to my sisters one that Violetta has, I open up the little heart shaped necklace to see two pictures in there. One of me German and Violetta from the paint day, the other was of me and my sister. I held it very close to my chest, I loved it so much.                 "Thank you German, I love it is so beautiful." I nearly started to cry. He got out of his seat and came and hugged me and kissed my on the forehead. We started talking about Buenos aires and home then German said he did have another surprise for me but i had to wait in till we got home because it was back in Buenos Aires. After about 10 minutes of more random stuff. a man came through the door and asked if we were Mr and Mrs. Castillo, this made me smile although we were not even married and that wasn't my name yet i knew who exactly told that man. Violetta

We told him that we were and he asked us to follow him, I got up and German came and held my hand, I was surprised because i thought we were staying in this empty room but i guess not i thought to my self. We followed the french man through the hotel to another room, When we walked in there was all of my family who came, (my Grandparent, Vilu, Leon, Olga Ramallo), me and German looked confused they were all sitting around a table. We went to join them. As we sat down the french man came back out with menus. We decided what we were having and then gave the man the menus back, When the conversations started i whispered in to German's ear "Why do you think they put us in that room before?" German shrugged his shoulders. I think he now got suspicious like me.

After five minutes the food came. I had croissant with some syrup, They did writing with the syrup it said 'Congratulations Angie!' i found this really cute. I took a picture of it on my phone, Then put it on Facebook. When i was uploading it to Facebook, I quickly went on Pablo's wall to see if he had put any thing up. The most recent thing was

Pablo Galindo in a relationship with ...............

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