Paris here we come!

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Angie's POV-

I woke up to German shaking me, I look at him I was still sitting on his knee, I jumped up it must be time to go, AHHHHHH !!!, German goes and wakes up Ramollo and Olga, and I go and wake up Leon and Vilu. After I woke them up I go and get changed, Then I drag the bags to the car and German lifts them in to the boot of the car. By the time I run in and get the things that were charging into my carry on bag, Everyone was down stairs. Vilu looks half asleep but she still looks excited in an was. It was around 12:30 thirty minutes to get to the airport. When I stepped out side Vilu checked her phone, then she looked up at me, then says out loud "My Beautiful Aunty is now officially 28 years old" I look her and smile she ran up to me and gave me a massive hug, after she had Leon came and hugged me then Ramallo then Olga, Then finally German came up to me and lifted me up and spun me around then kissed me and said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL!!" I smiled at him and then we had to go or we would be late. In the car I checked I had everything like passports and tickets after I saw I had everyone's we started to drive. As we got to the airport we got our suitcases from the back of the car and then dragged them to the entrance to the airport and then we went straight to the desk where we give our suitcases, they checked the weight and then there went all 6 suitcases. After we went over to security and we checked our bags for any liquids then we went through the x-ray things, everyone got through fine. After that we were all very excited. Especially Vilu she woke up properly when she saw all of the shops, Before then she was just leaning on Leon the whole time. After about two hours of Violetta shopping, I was surprised because she didn't buy anything. All I brought was some head phones for the plane because I lost my ones, so any way after we looked around the shops, we met back up with German, Olga, Leon and Ramallo we looked at the time and we started to head to our gate.

When I got on to the plane I handed my ticket to the airhostess and she pointed me to my seat which was in first class!. After about five minutes I was sitting down , the seats were really comfortable, I was looking in my bag for my phone to turn it off, when someone came and sat by me I looked up and it was German. we put our seat belts on and as we were on the run way German held my hand.

When we got up in the air, I got German's tablet out of my bag and passed it him and By the time I put my bag in a safe place he had put the arm rest up so when I sat back up he put his arm around me. I put my ear phones in and started listening to my music, I closed my eyes and thought there is still another 10 hours of this. Half an hour later I think German thought I fell asleep so he put my seat belt on, put a thin blanket over my legs and put my music a bit more quieter. I thought this was really cute of him.

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