After the call

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Angie's POV-

Violetta now got me thinking i really hope it wasn't Esmeralda. After around twenty minutes German came back in to the room and Violetta left, He lied down on the bed next to me, I asked him who was he on the phone with he said "no one important" I then said "Please be honest with me, was it Esmeralda?" he look in to my eyes and said no. I believed him and i was really glad to hear it.

German's POV-

I had to take a call out side when i came back angie asked me was it Esmeralada, i wasn't her. It was the people doing Angie's Surprise. they phone to say they were done. I didn't want to ruin her surprise. I just told her that it was no one important. Tonight was our last night here so i decided to take her out again but not for long beacsue we had to come back to sleep because we had to leave eirly tomorrow night.

It was now about six i put my suit on, Angie put her dress on and then she went to Vilu and leon's room because Vilu was going to do her hair.I decided to look on the internet see where all eight of us could go. I booked a restaruant online. After it said that i was booked, I locked my phone and put it in my pocket and then went to Violetta's room. I knock on the door and Leon answered. He said for me to come in. I stepped in side and there she was my Beautiful angie having her blonde wavy hair straighted by Vilu. When she was done, Angie stood up and looked at me i walked up to her and hugged her. I really hope that she didn't think the phone call was off Esmeralda still.

Leon and Vilu went out of the room and said that they were going to meet Olga and Ramallo and Angie's grandparents downstairs i waved the off not actally looking at them i was just staring at Angie, She looked STUNNING!. I kissed her on the lips for a few minutes when she pulled away and said that they were probably waiting for us downstairs, She was probably right, I kissed her quickly again and then we held hands and walked down to the lobby.

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