I did what I was told

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Angie's POV-

I woke up the next morning to the to something tickling me, I looked around to see feather. Violetta and German had one of my earrings each and were tickling my nose with them, I had a plan to scare them because they didn't know that i was awake, They kept on tickling me, I quickly turned around and grabbed both of them, German jumped and Violetta screamed, I was laughing. When I let go of them German came closer to me and kissed me on the nose, Then he gave a little tiny grin. For about five minutes we were there in own little world, Just staring at each other. I love when this happens. I heard a close of our bedroom door, Violetta had walked out. When I looked back around at German, He was right by my face. he came closer our lips touched, I heard running up the stairs, I backed away from our kiss just in time, Violetta came bursting in through the door. She had some toast and tea with her.

"Sir and Mad'ma you breakfast" she said in a french accent. I laughed, Me and German sat up. He put a pillow behind my back for me. Then Violetta gave us both a cup of tea each then sat down with her own. She look at me as if she was going to ask a question. I looked at her and then she finally spilled.

"Angie i have got a very important day planned for you" i look at her confused she drags me out of bed and then picks out clothes for me. I was still drinking my tea. She walked out the room again told me to get ready, I had no idea what she was on about or where we were going so i did what i was told, I got changed and started to straighten my hair.

After I got ready I kissed German good bye (He was still in bed), Then i went to Violetta's room. She was sitting on her bed so i sat down next to her. As soon as i sat down she got up and told me that we had to go, I got up and I still don;t know where we are going. She got my car keys, She got in the drivers seat and I followed her and sat in the passenger seat. She started the car. I took us about twenty minutes to get where we were going. I still had no idea, We finally pulled up to a shop. I looked at Violetta she smiled.

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