German and ..........................

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Angie's POV-

After a very long day of shopping, We decided to go home, But we had a problem because Violetta had brought soo much we could just about fit everything in to my small mini. But eventually we all fitted in. On they way home we called Olga. Violetta asked Olga was there enough dinner for one more person, Olga said yes so Violetta ask me and German can Leon come we agreed but we would have to drop off all her shopping before we could pick him up. When we got home me, German and Violetta emptied my car, Then I told her if she found her L plates she could drive my car to Leon's to pick him up. She sprinted upstairs, to try and find the red L's. When she was gone German came up to me and hugged me. I snuggled up and put my head on his shoulder. After about five minutes he lifted me up, it was so un-expected, He dumped me on the sofa, and started to tickle me, luckily after about two minutes of him tickling me Violetta came down and was ready to go driving.

We went out the house and stuck the L plates one the front and back of my car. Violetta was quite a good driver, well really she was a natural expect for starting the car because she kept on staling. When we eventually got to León's she went to knock on the door and I went to get the L plates off the car because I would be driving it home. The two love birds came within five minutes. They hopped in to the back and we started to drive home. When we got back to the house, Leon was being a gentleman and open the door for Violetta. This made her go bright red. When I got in to the house I was greeted by German and ..............................

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