Was this the end of a Relationship?

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Angie's POV-

We were hugging for five minutes or lets just say German was hugging me from behind, I was just standing there. He whispered in my ear "Me and Esmeralda will be over, Me and you will happen" I didn't know what to say. I felt all warm in side when he said that me and him would be together but I also thought of all the guilt that was going threw my mind. I felt really bad. I still don't know what to do. I finally give in I turn around, He looks straight in to my eyes. My heart melts every time he does this. For the first time I lent in and so did he. We kissed right there, When the kiss finished I opened my eyes. I looked at him with red cheeks I don't know why I just get really embarrassed when I kiss in public or kiss at all. I am sure I am not the only one. German started playing with my hair.

Then Esmeralda, Olga, Violetta and Ramallo walked in, He was still playing with my hair, They all did a fake cough to get our attention. We both looked at them, All of there reactions we different, Olga was smiling like mad, Violetta was smiling but was mainly looking at Esmeralda, Ramallo was in shock, And  Esmeralda was nearly crying.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Esmeralda screamed. Me and German went bright red, what did she expect him to say.

"What do think?" German replied to her but with a smile on his face. I had no idea on what to do so I stood there just looking at Violetta, who was doing heart shapes with her fingers behind Esmeralda, Then she kept on pointing at me and German. I was trying not to laugh.

The argument last a few minutes when I told Violetta to come upstairs and we would go and write her diary. She agreed and went upstairs I was just about to follow her up but German grabbed on to my hand. I really wanted to leave. 

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