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Violetta POV-

I turned around to see the person who was kicking my chair, It was my Dad, I turned around quickly and sunk in to my seat, I felt like my dad was spying on me but he wasn't because he was here before me, I reached in to my bag and was about to turn off my phone when i had a text off Angie, I said 'Don't worry i will make sure your dad leaves you alone', I turned around and smiled at her she winked at me when i looked at them they were so cute together, Dad had his arm around her and with his other hand he held her hand, Between their to seats there was a cup of coca cola with two straws, I thought to my self They are so cute.

The film was about to start i turned around Leon looked at me, Put his arm around me and then we watched the film. It's so funny,  In the middle of the film i turned around to see My dad and Angie. He was whispering something in to her ear that made her smile. She was now looking at the screen and didn't notice i was looking at them but my dad did, He pointed at him eye to make me look and then kissed Angie on the cheek, I did a awww face and him and he smiled.

After the film We waited out side for my dad and Angie and they came out hand in hand. Angie let go of my dad's hand when they saw me she walked over to me and started to have a chat with me, I looked over her shoulder when she was talking to me to see my dad and Leon getting along really well. This surprised me for some reason.

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