Planning Planning and more Planning

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Angie's POV-

We stepped out the car and we stood in front of a bridal shop. I looked at Vilu with a smile on my face. "This is what i have planned for you today Angie, We are going to plan your perfect wedding!". I smiled at her. She opened the shop door and i followed her in. There were all these beautiful wedding dresses, The lady came up to me and Vilu and greeted us, She was very friendly, The thing that surprised me the most is that she looked really really familiar. I forgot about it after that, after a few minutes she had a phone call so she took it and me and Violetta look at the dresses, When she came back, She must of thought i looked familiar, "Is your name Angie?" she asked me quite curiously. "Yeah, why?" i answered i was quite confused now. She looked at me shocked, I had no idea how she knew my name.

She came she looked at me weirdly. I found this really awkward. "I am your cousin". I looked her really confused. "I thought you looked familiar, you are ermmm Oh my god ..... Hannah" she smiled, I haven't seen her since we were about 8 when my family moved to Buenos Aires, She still has a strong welsh accent. I haven't heard one for about six months when we were in Paris, with my grandparents.

I look threw the wedding dress when Violetta talks to Hannah, She was talking about Maria to her. After a lots of funny stories about me and Maria, Hannah asks me who am i getting married to. Violetta looked at me, "German Castillo" i say unsure on what to actually say . "I have heard of that name somewhere before." I wished she didn't. "Maria's husband, That who German is" I said really fast. she gave me a nice look, She is probably the only family member who excepted us but of course Vilu and My grandparents expected us, But then i thought my Parents I haven't told them. I not going to tell them, I haven't talked to them in about eight years so there's no point just randomly saying to them 'Hi i am getting married to my brother-in-law' they would only say mean stuff.

"Sooo, what kind of dress do you want?" she asked me, she sounded excited for some reason, "I have no idea there are so many". We looked through all of them, Violetta kept on joking about that I should try on the massive puffy ones. After hours of choosing we had three dresses that i had to try on.  I tried on the first one, all I say is that even Hannah was trying not to laugh, I looked ridiculous. The second dress was a lot better it was beautiful, Had lace at the front and had lace going down the train, I loved it but then i tried on THE DRESS, I absolutely fell in love with it. I was strap-less, a creamy colour, The train wasn't to long. It looked perfect. I was smiling and then i looked at the mirror that was by the shop window and that when I saw .............

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