Will you .........

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Angie's POV -

German felt tense when he put is arms around me, He then told me "Will you give me a chance Angie?" I looked at him confused. "Tomorrow after we have both finished work I am going to take you on a special date." He told me, I felt warm and Excited. He came up to me and kissed me with no interruptions that I know of any way. Violetta may of come out of her room but I didn't notice because I was in my own world with the one I love. By now I was really tried. I had decided to go to bed. I kissed him on the cheek and went to my room.

German's POV-

I held my cheek where Angie kissed me, I carried on looking at her as she walk away, And I had an Angie moment and walked in the wall. I really hurt. I went to see Violetta and wish her a good night, when I got there she was flat out sleeping. But it was like half eleven, So she probably thought that she had to wake up tomorrow for the studio.


Angie's POV-

I woke up this morning had a shower, got changed and Did my hair and put on my feathered earrings. I went to go and wake up Violetta, because we both had to go to the studio today. I woke up Violetta and she started to talk about what she was going to do in the studio, but I kind of ignored her when I was in a daydream about my date with German tonight. I am so Excited. After doing Violetta's hair I went to wake up my Boyfriend, I am never going to get used to that. As I walked in his room I looked at him, He looked so cute when he is asleep. I sat down on his bed and kissed him on the cheek he woke up within seconds.

"Good Morning" he said, he woke up quite quickly since he has only been awake for a matter of seconds. "morning" I said, Then he started to say am I still okay for the date and am I excited I said no and he took it seriously and then he knew I was joking. And he started to tickle me. I started to scream Violetta's name, she came running in and me and her ganged up on German, But by the end them two had ganged up on me I could escape I was laughing like mad. Some how I got away and ran down the stairs.

I was stopped by Olga, She thought something bad has happened, I explain she saw German and Violetta running down the stairs. She told me to run in to the kitchen. When they tried to get passed her she started tickling them with the feathered duster. But she forgot there is another door to the kitchen they got me again. After that tickling war, we had some breakfast, And then me and Vilu said we had to go to the studio. As I were just about to go through the door I heard a fake cough, I turned around to see German pointing at his cheek, I ran up to him kissed him on the cheek and then said that I would texted him through out the day. A massive grin crossed his face when I said that.

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