An empty room

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Angie's POV -

The next morning i woke up with my head on German's lap. He was sitting up, and playing with my fingers. He picked up my left hand and there it was shining in the light, My Engagement Ring. I had the best birthday ever yesterday, Getting surprises all day long, first Vilu and Leon on the plane, Then when we got to the hotel Olga and Ramallo gave me a beautiful necklace and Then my grandparents coming, Then I got engaged, So German was playing with my fingers i was staring at the stunning ring. He lent down and kissed my on the forehead. When he did, I heard  a knock on the door, I got up put my dressing gown on and went to answer the door.

I was Vilu and Leon they came in and said that they had a surprise for me and German, I told them that we would be 10 minutes max, because we need to get changed, Me and German got changed and then met Vilu and Leon outside there room, They blind folded me and German, But German still held my hand.

We were being dragged by the young couple to lifts, I know that because i hear the doors and the bell noise, and then i felt us going down. German's thumb was fiddling with my ring. We were heading to the lobby because i could feel the cold air from the door. We were being turned, I now had no idea where we were going. I heard a  door open, I felt Vilu leave my side, i heard the door close i took of my blindfold and looked to my side German was there trying to undo his blindfold he could do it and he was getting frustrated so i decided to help him. When i finally got it off for him, I looked around the room it was empty expect for a table with some roses on, German held my hand dragged me to the table he pulled out a chair for me i sat down, then he kissed me on the cheek and then he sat down opposite me, He then put a box on the table and said "HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!" i smiled at him, He had brought me so much, I felt really spoiled. I open the box to reveal.........

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