Our Room

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Angie POV-

German Kicked open the door still with me in his arms when we walked in, It looked nothing like when we left it, I looked around the walls had been painted cream, I jumped out of German's arms and started to look around, My favourite part of the new room was there was a canvas on the wall with a picture of the three of us on that paint day, it looked  absolutely amazing. I stood in front of it staring it, I felt someone come behind me, It was German

"what do you think?" he asked me, "I love it." i smiled at him, I heard Violetta come in to the room "WOW!, It's changed in here a bit", We both ignored what she said and just stared in to each others eyes, When he did this i kind of knew what he was thinking, I know that sounds a bit weird but it's what i feel.

I sat on the bed still looking around the room, German lied on the other side and said "This is defiantly my side" This made me laugh, He was closes to the door so if it open in the middle of the night he would be the one who would be cold, I lie next to him He holds my hand and the he tells me that it was the decorator on the phone in Paris that's why he didn't tell me, This was a massive relief for me because i secretly still thought that it was Esmeralda, She is a horrible woman, I really do hate her. We turned to face each other he put my hair behind my ears and kissed me on the lips we were right in the middle of our kiss, when my phone rang, I answered it. it was Pablo. He sounded annoyed. I asked him why did he sound angry, But he denyed it, He started having ago at me about random stuff, I had no idea what he was going on about. He put the phone down on me, I began to cry. German lifted my head on to his chest. He held me tight and i felt a bit better.

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