The Jewellary Shop

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German POV-

I walk out the shop and looked through the window to see if Angie was still looking, After I blew her a kiss she turn around and headed to the changing rooms with Violetta, I crossed the street to the jewellers, I think it was time to ask Angie the big question. 

I walked in to the jewellers and saw hundreds and hundreds of rings, I knew the size of her finger so that helped, it narrowed it down to half of them any way. they all glimmered in the light. I knocked out the big bulky ones because I know they are not the style Angie likes. I saw a perfect one, it had a diamond in the middle and tiny diamonds going all the way around the ring, I loved it I went to go and pay for it after about an hour on deciding which one to choose , When I was at the counter I saw all of the Pandora charms, There was a feather shaped one. I ask the lady could I buy that as well. She wrapped the charm in a little case, and put the engagement ring into a black velvet box. I was thinking when was the right time to ask her. I put the black box in my pocket and brought a little bag and put the charm in there as I was just about to walk back down to the shop that my beautiful Angie was in, I had a phone call it was from Vilu she said that they need me in the shop because Angie couldn't make up her mind.

I walked in to the shop and Violetta came running up to me and pulled me to where Angie was waiting for me , Angie said that she wanted to buy a dress for Paris but didn't know which one to buy. I told her to try them on and show me.

First she came out in a beautiful floral dress. She looked AMAZING !! ,then she came out in a stunning cream dress that had like vintage birds on she looked gorgeous, I couldn't make up my mind so I told her that today I would treat her and buy her any thing she wanted, A smile appeared on her face, and I told her that I had a surprise for her. So after she got changed I handed her the little gift bag she lifted out the box and saw the feather shaped metal charm her smile was massive this made me even more happier. I put the charm on to her bracelet and the three of us went to go and pay and then I held Angie's left hand thinking I would feel a ring when I hold her hand soon. We all walked in to the next room and surprise surprise Violetta found more clothes that she wanted to try on.

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