It Was ............

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Angie's POV-

It was my Grandparents from Wales. I ran up to them and asked them why are they here, (My grandparents mean a lot to me, Mostly because my mum and my dad took great interest in Maria and her sing, that some times they would just ignore me like everyone else, But my grandparents never ignored me, That's why they are probably more closer to me the me parents). They told me that German had booked flights for them to come here. I went back to German and hugged him. When we were up there, we were eating and talking and laugh and so on. Then the man who was playing the guitar was playing and singing a Bruno Mars song 'I think I want to marry you' When I was listening to him the chorus came up 'I think I want to marry you' German taped me on the back I turn around he was on one knee. The music stopped my family were staring at me, I smiled and he said "Angie Carrara, I think I want to marry you, But will you be my bride" He pulled out the ring, that's what he must of been playing with I thought to my self, I looked deep into his eyes and said .......................................................................

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