Sorry but who are you?

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Last Chapter Guys

Angie was lying on the hospital bed, She had a massive cut on the side of her head, Pablo had come down to the hospital to see her, He found her room and went in, He sat next to her and held her hand. Angie smiled and opened her eyes. Meanwhile German had found out that Angie was in Hospital, He drove there as fast as he could, He ran in to the hospital crying and shaking. His mind was a mess, He found a nurse and asked her where Angie was, she show German to the ward, She had a little private room away from everyone else. German look through the glass in to the room to see Pablo sitting Right by her. Back in the room, Angie kissed Pablo meaningfully on the lips, when it broke apart, she said "I love you German". He had tears in his eyes, He now knew that kiss wasn't meant for him, He told Angie that he had to go. He left the room in tears, He saw German on the way out, German stood up and pushed him, "What do you think you are doing with my Fiance, Just because we didn't get married a couple of months ago like we meant to, doesn't mean that you can go and steal her from me!" German raised his voice. Pablo then replied "If this was about the kiss, it wasn't meant for me, because straight after she said I love you, German, German she thinks i am you" Pablo was about to cry so he decided to leave. German ran in to the room, "Angie!" he said. Angie looked up and smiled then said...

"Sorry but who are you?"


Okay that was my last chapter, There will be a sequel but might start it tomorrow or later on in the week, Thank you to everyone especially These 4 people : @louisaangeles for helping me and supporting me if it wasn't for her i wouldn't of wrote this So THANK YOU TWIN, @BethanDowsett , for helping me with ideas at school , @KatVercueil for a lot of support and @Minion11 for a lot of support. So thank you all for reading commenting and voting. And my sequel 'I Can't Deny It' will be up soon

~ Meg xxx

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