Who's been sitting in my chair?

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Angie's POV-

We got home, I open the door and Violetta came in and ran straight up stairs, I was obvious where she was going ... to write her diary. I walked in to German's office, He wasn't there, I sat down in his chair and started to look at his photos. I then started to daydream when i felt someone come up behind me, The twisted the chair around. I smiled,  "Who's been sitting in my chair?" I heard in a fake scary voice. I started to laugh, when the chair stopped turning it was facing the way away from the person doing the fake voice, They came right up behind me, They put there arms around my shoulders. "I wonder who this could be" i say pretending that I had no idea of how it was. I looked up to see German looking down at me. He lent down and kissed me on the lips. We then walked in to the living room and German followed me. We sat down on  the sofa and he pulled me in close to him, I layed my head on his chest and I told him what had happened today about seeing Hannah and my mum, and that she was coming over. I didn't say any thing about our wedding though.

At about six o'clock I heard a knock on the door, I got up from cuddling German and answered it, Hannah was standing there with a little baby in here arms, She looked stressed and upset. "Sorry i had to bring her, I thought my boyfriend would be home by now to look after her but he wasn't". I took the baby out of her arms, she was so cute. "Come in Han, This is German". I kept on rocking the little baby in my arms. "This is Louise". When Hannah and German were talking, I went up stairs with little Louise and went in to Violetta's room. Violetta looked up straight away to see little Louise staring at her. "Oh My Gosh! , who is this little cute thing?!" she said with a massive smile on her face. "This is Little Louise, Hannah's little baby". i said still rocking her in my arms. "oh she is here" Violetta said with a smile on her face. She ran down the stairs, I walked down them very carefully. i was met at the bottom of the stairs by German he had a massive smile on his face, He was up to something" He sat down on the sofa, I sat down next to him, He put his arm around, me. Hannah sat on the other sofa opposite the one i was sat on, I still had little Louise in my arms. She held my finger with the whole of her hand, I found it so cute.

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