Home at last

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Angie's POV-

We landed back in Beunos Aries, we got back about 7 in the evening Paris time, But it is only two in the afternoon here. So when we got back i was so tried we got our bags and went straight to the car, When we walked back to the car German reminded me about my surprise that was waiting at home for me, I started to become excited,When I finally got to the car I had a phone call, I was off my Grandparents they had just got home (they had a later fight then us), My grandmother want to check up that we had all landed safely, I was just about to yes when Violetta got the phone out of my hands and started to talk to my Nan, The two of them came really close in Paris it was really cute.

They talked all the way home, Everyone else was silent all you could hear is Vilu laughing at in the back. On the way home we dropped off Leon, He thank us for taking us with him, He quickly ran in the house and got something from by the door and gave it to German, He said thank you and the dragged his suitcase in the house and We carried on driving, There was now  five of us in the car and Vilu still talking to My grandparents, I wonder what they are talking about. After about 10 minutes we got home, I was half asleep and didn't realize that we were home, German got out the car opened my door and lifted me out, I bet i looked kind of dead. He carried me in to the house and asked me am i ready for my surprise, I nodded with a massive smile on my face. He carried me up to our room (He is very strong, I thought to my self) He kicked open our door. And ...............................

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