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Angie's POV-

I'm curious why German asked me and then ran downstairs, I walked down the stairs and opened the office door. He Sat there with his head on this desk. I went behind him and rubbed his back. He slowly lifted his head. "I am sorry Angie, I never want to rush you in to any thing", I feel confused, He not rushing me in to any thing. "German, The answer is yes, I would be so cute to have a little German climbing all over you when you are trying to do paperwork, Or a little Angie singing with Violetta everyday, you do know that you are not rushing me in to anything" A smile appeared on his face. He lifted me up and put me on his lap. We heard someone walking down the stairs, The door open it was Violetta, She looked quiet moody but that's probably because she is not sleeping. "What the hell are you to smiling about?" she said in a really sleepy voice. German looked at me and the smiled i shook my head. He nodded. "Nothing Vilu, You are dreaming" He said in a mysterious voice, the funny thing was that she believed him and walked back up stairs. I asked him can we go to sleep now. He nodded and laughed but i was so tried. I didn't have the energy to walk up the stairs so he carried me up.


************************NEXT MORNING ******************************

I woke up in German's arms, he was looking down at me, "So what is my Angie doing today?". German asked me, I pretended to go to sleep. He got his cold hand put it on my back, I jumped because it was so cold. I looked at him, I was thinking i need to get him back somehow. but how?

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