Row 4 Seat 1

597 26 4

Angie's POV-

I woke up to see a beautiful landscape outside the window of the airplane. We were getting closer and closer to the ground. I felt a kick on my chair, I turned around to see Violetta smiling at me. I waved at her, she waved back. I got a pen and some paper out of my bag. and wrote 'Are we the only people awake?' she nodded. I smiled. she signalled me to give her a pen and some paper so I did, 'How's your birthday going?' she put. I gave her to big thumbs up. I turned back around and a lady on the microphone, said a few things like the local weather, how long we are away, local time (this woke German up), But then all of a sudden the lady on the microphone said "We have a surprise for a special lady, She is on row 4 on seat 1, Everyone stared at me I didn't know what was going on intill I had a kick on the back of my seat again I looked behind to see Violetta smiling again, I had something to do with her, Then the airhostess came with a balloon and a teddy. The teddy had a little note stuck to it saying ' HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGIE,

Your the best aunty in the whole world,

Lots of Love Vilu and Leon xxxxx

I turn around to them and said that you, Leon winked and Violetta just said "you owe me a hug when I get of this plane" this made ,e and leon laugh. When I turned back around German kissed me. It was quite long but it would of been longer if the Airhostess didn't speak down the microphone again. We were only half an hour away, I am so excited.

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