Paris at Last

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German's POV-

the plane bumped on the ground as it was landing, I was holding on to Angie's hand. When the plane actually stopped we put all of our stuff in to a bag and we stood up and got of the plane. When we got off Angie waited for Violetta because she wanted to thank her and Léon for her gift. The three of them hugged and then I got hold of Angie's hand. We walked in to the airport and went to find our suitcases. We found all six of them in a matter of minutes because they stood out from the rest. When we got out of the airport we got a taxi and I told the taxi driver where the hotel is, We were there in about 20 minutes, It was right next to the Effie Tower. When we all booked in, we went to our rooms, Angie got dressed into one of her new dresses and I made sure that the ring was still in my pocket, Hopefully she didn't notice.

Angie's POV-

I was getting changed in to my new dress I had from German, When I glanced over at him. he had his back to me but I could tell that he had something in his hands. After I finished getting changed, German took me on a walk through Paris. He took me down all the streets and we saw a few men play with instruments. I went to go and look in a shop window and German was speaking to the man playing a guitar. I took no notice of what he was saying and just carried on looking at the shop windows. It was now about 5:00 we were right by the Effile tower we both decided to walk up the stairs to the top. It took us about half an hour when we got to the top it was only us and a man playing a guitar he looked like the man that was playing in the street, Hold on he was the same person. Me and German were looking down at the view when, more people started to come up, It was Vilu and leon, Ramallo and Olga and there was another couple as well you could hear them coming up the stairs, It was ..........

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