Leon's Sister

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Leon's POV-

I heard a car pull out in front of my house, I looked out the window to see Vilu by the door and Angie waving, I waved back at her and opened the door. Vilu came running up to me and hugged me, I nearly fell over. I told her to follow me in to the house. She followed me in and we sat down in the living room, My sister walked in, "Oh hello there, You must be Violetta, I am Fern Leon's sister" I thought to my self oh my god why does she have to come now. Fern came and sat down by Vilu and they stated to talk about girl stuff, After about twenty minutes I asked Vilu was she ready for our date, She nodded, Then Fern started to tease me. We walked out the house hand in hand. I could tell Fern was looking through the window, so i turned around and me and Viiu waved at her.

We started to walk and talk, When a car drove past and stopped. I recognized the car, We walked up to it, It was German, He asked us if we had seen Angie anywhere. We said "No the last time we saw her was about an hour ago". German then said thank you and he drove away, Violetta got her phone out and phoned Angie, she rung and rung and then finally Angie answered.

Violetta's POV-

"Hello?" i said down the phone, Hi Vilu, what's up?" she replied. I told her that my dad had been trying to find her. She then said that she lost her phone and she had only just found it. I was relieved i thought something was actually wrong.she said she had to go. I said bye then put the phone down, and phoned my dad. I told him that Angie is find she had just lost her phone.

Angie's POV-

I hate lying to Vilu but i had to, how could i tel her that I din't answer he dad's calls because Pablo was standing right in front of me.

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