"Do you want to explain now?"

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Angie's POV-

I saw her, the worst person to see, My mum, I turned around quickly, Hannah saw the panic in my face, I went in to the changing rooms, I don't think she has recognized me, I has been 8 years, I have changed a bit, Like my hair used to be brown, It's blonde now, And my face has changed a bit. I heard the door open, I heard her voice, "Hi Hannah" my mother said. Her voice goes through me, I sit there in the changing rooms, with Violetta, Her face looks so confused, I whispered to her who it was, She looked at me shocked, "That's my grandmother" she looks at me weirdly, She still looked at me weirdly, "I will explain when she is gone" i whispered to her. She was there for about twenty minutes, we heard the door close, Me and Vilu stepped out the changing rooms,

"Thank you so much Hannah for not telling her" i said to her. i then went to get changed, put my perfect dress on its hanger, Handed it over to Hannah, She put it in a special place then I told Hannah to come with me and vilu to get some Coffee, She locked up her shop and we went down the road and turned in to a cafe. We waited in line to order i got nudged by vilu i looked at her, "do you want to explain now". I nodded, "Okay, so you mum was always the main thing for my parents, so a lot of the time i was ignored, and was just not important, Your mum always tried to include me in stuff but some how my parents would talk me out of doing it, That's why i am so close with my grandparents because the never ignored me. So when I was 19 or 20 i moved out of their house and I have never talked to them since". I say to vilu with tears in my eyes. Vilu came up to me and hugged me.

We finally got our cups of tea and sat down, "So Hannah how long have you been in Buenos Aires for?" I ask her, "A couple of months not long, My friend moved out here so she asked me to move out here with her". She changed the subject back t me and German "So whens the Big day?" she looked at me with a massive smile on her face, I looked at her, i thought to my self I don't even though when. I looked at her panicked "I don't even know, Violetta surprised me this morning about getting my dress".

Violetta looked at me, She knew something. "Hold on my dad didn't tell you, Angie i don't think i was meant to tell you this but you are getting married in about a week, I thought my dad told you". "WAIT, WHATTT?" I probably looked so confused. "what ever you do don't tell dad i told you, I thought you already knew, sorry". Vilu looked disappointed with her self. I went over to her and hugged her. She looked up at me and smiled. "Well I have to go," Hannah said. I wished she didn't have to go. "You are coming to mine tonight though" I told her, She knows i wouldn't take no for an answer. "Fine then, Is there a time I need to be there for ?" she asked. "Ermmm, Around six" i replied. We hugged goodbye and then she left. We headed back to the car, I told Violetta that i was driving home.

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