Centre of Attention

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Author's note

sorry for putting this in the middle of the story but it might say that i have already updated a a chapter called centre of attention i did but it decided to delete it self so sorry here it is again. (Might have different  words to the other chapter if you saw it before it got deleted). :)

Angie's POV-

We went down to the lobby hand in hand. Me and German met everyone else down there, We started to to walk to the restaurant though the streets of Paris the are amazing at night time, Our last night in Paris i thought to my self. All us couples were all holding hands even Olga and Ramallo, Everyone followed me and German because German knew where we were going. We eventually got to a rustic looking restaurant. It had that feeling that made you feel as if you were at home. The waitress took us to our table, I had German on one side of me holding my hand and Vilu on the other side looking at my ring. My Grandmother was opposite me talking to me, and Olga was taking photos of me. I felt the centre of attention i don't normally like this but i didn't mind tonight.

After a lovely meal, We started to walk back to the hotel but Vilu wanted to have  some pictures by the Effie tower, no one was really there so we basically had a photo shoot by it.  So we took so of Vilu and Leon and then some with me with them two, then Me and my Grandparents, I am going to miss them so much when we leave tomorrow. Then we took some pictures of Olga and Ramallo, then finally Vilu took some of me and German, My favourite one was when he lifted me up in a bridal way and kissed me with the Effie Tower towering over us.

When we finally came back from our photo shoot, me and German went straight to our room, I made sure that i had packed everything, and made sure my phone and Ipod were on charge, then i jumped in to bed. The bed was cold but when German came in he put his arms around my waist and I became warmer.

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