A quiet night in.

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Angie POV-

As I came down the stairs, German was standing there smiling at me with a rose in his hand, He came to be at the bottom of the stairs and put he arm around my waist. I noticed that there was something else in his other hand.

He walked me to the table and pulled a chair out for me, He sat down next to me and put his hand on top of mine. I like when he did this. Olga then came out with a lovely meal then her and Ramollo walk out the door hand in hand. I am never going to get used to that. When they left German gave the rose and a box, When I opened it I saw a Pandora bracelet with four charms on it. One with a A and , One with a G, One with a V and a Gold heart. I had tears in my eyes it was so beautiful. I held it close to me, After about 10 minutes of just staring at it I kissed him on the cheek but he moved so I ended up kissing him on the lips.

After we ate, me and German lied on the sofa, He was sitting up and I put my head in his lap, He started to play with my feathered earring, I was playing with my bracelet I love it so much. After a while Me and German picked a Action film called The Fast Five, I watched the whole film, But when the credits came on, I pretended to be asleep to see what German would do. all of a sudden I was being carried, He had carried me all the way up the stairs, to my bedroom and put my blanket on top of me. I heard the door shut but he was lying next to me with his arm around my neck, It felt just right. I am not going to deny anything. I kissed him and snuggled in to his arms.

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