do I tell him?

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Angie's POV-

Pablo came closer and closer when i put the phone down, He was about to kiss me, I pushed him away "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING PABLO?!" i shouted at him, he looked at me innocently. I asked him what about Esmeralda. He murmured quietly "I am not actually going out with her, She has a plan to break you and German up. I went along with it because I want to have you to my self" He looks at me with a sad face now. I am about to cry I walked out the room, He grabbed my left hand, I turned back around, He saw my engagement ring, I closed my eyes waiting for him to shout at me but i felt him let go of my hand and I heard the door slam shut.

I think to my self that went better then i thought, I phone German and said where i was, He told me to wait out side the studio and he would be there to pick me up. I think to my self do i tell German or don't I?

I finally decide to tell him, I thought come on Angie, You can't keep secrets to him, I told him everything, He looked at me and said it was fine and that i had no need to worry, I felt so relived,he then said that he was so lucky to have me because alot of wemen would never tell the truth straight away, I am so glad that he understood. He then sid that we might as well go out because we were already in the car. We were driving around trying to find something to do.

Meanwhile in the cinema

Violetta's POV-

We walk all the way to the cinema, We looked at the times to see what films we could see, There were two that we couldn't make up our minds on- Bad Neighbours or Blended. We finally decide to watch Bad neighbours i am glad because Zac Efron is it, But Leon doesn't need to know that i think to my self. When we get in and find our seats we sit down. I feel a kick on my chair i turn around, I see people but i can't make out who it is because it was dark. When the adverts came on I turned around to see who it was (because of the light of the screen) So i turn around and see .............

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