Have we got everything

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Angie's POV -

I woke up and realised today was Saturday the 1st of February, I am going to Paris Tomorrow I am so excited, I look to my side and see German smiling at me. "are you excited for tomorrow" he asked me. "Yeah of course I am going to Paris with my lovely boyfriend and my 28th birthday!" I said the last bit sarcastically. I asked him wheat the plan was, We are actually driving to the airport tonight, We have to wait in the airport for three hours before our flight at 3:30 tomorrow morning. I started to smile a lot I am sooooo excited. He was just about to kiss me when Violetta came crashing through the door. She landed on the floor, and then she started laughing. "sorry about that, I tripped up coming in, But I had to come in because I am so excited!". She grabbed my hand that was on German's shoulder and pulled me out of bed and started to twirl me around, this made me really dizzy. After spinning me around Vilu started to sing, Ser major, she had a beautiful voice as I sat back down on the bed listening to her, German put his arms around me. When she had finished the song We all went to get changed, then we went down the stairs and sat at the table.

When everyone was down, Olga came through and said that she had made me something special because we wouldn't be here for breakfast tomorrow, She went back to the kitchen and came back through with a plate of pancakes with a candle in it. Everyone sang happy birthday to me and then I blow out the candle. Everyone clapped. I shared the massive pate of pancakes out, I some to Violetta, Olga and Ramallo and I was just about to put some on German's plate when Olga said for us just to use one plate, Everyone laughed at the idea but we ended up doing her idea in the end.

After everyone had ate I went to put locks on our suitcases and made sure my phone, my ipod and Germans stuff were all charging because it was going to be a long flight 13 hours I think and if there was no delays we should be there at 4:30 in the afternoon. I start to get excited now, I was busy with German in the office when Violetta came in and said that we needed to pick up Leon, I told her to ask Ramollo can he go in the car with her and that she would drive. Violetta ran out of the room and got Ramollo he waved as he was being dragged out the house.

 It was about 6 in the evening now, I was checking that I had everyone's ticket and passport, I counted them there was six there. I then went upstairs and got the clothes that I was going to wear on the plane out. I lied them on the bed and then went down to German's office when I walked in he put something in his pocket, He didn't know that I noticed but I did. It was only me and German up everyone else decided to get some sleep and we would wake them up when it was time to go. German told me to come and sit on his knee I felt like a little girl sitting on my dad's lap because that the last time I probably did sit on someone else's lap. he held me close to him, within seconds I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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