"Nothing is going on!"

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Angie's pov-

After I had a good chat with violetta about me and her dad, I told her that nothing was going on and  to come to the piano with me, So we went in to the living room, I started to play Veo Veo, She started to sing with her beautiful voice but the is started to go really quiet so I told her to go and get a glass of water. When she was gone I started to play Libre Soy when I was just finishing the first chorus I felt someone come behind me. They put their hands on my shoulders I looked up at and It was German he came closer again what am I going to do. We were so close to kiss again, When Violetta walked in from the kitchen, and dropped her glass.

Then she said to me with a grin on her face "Nothing going on here then Angieeeee?"

I felt really embarrassed so I thought that I would make an excuse that I had to get stuff ready for the studio tomorrow. I went up to my room and got some sheet music ready in my bag. I then went back down stairs to get a drink, I went to the kitchen and reached a glass from the cupboard, and filled it with water when I was drinking it I heard arguing coming from the other room. I brought my glass with me to find Jade in the house I thought what is she doing here, but I didn't say anything I was just about to walk passed her when she took my glass filled with water out of my hands, and threw it all over me. I had no idea what I had done wrong. I was just standing there with a wet top. German look as if he was just about to laugh, But Jade shouted "This is the one you dumped me for"

I replied "we are not together, He is with someone called Esmeralda" I was still wet from the water. German told jade to leave when she finally left I told German that I was going to bed, he came up behind me and hug me, I just stood there not doing anything. Thinking of the worst things that could happen : Esmerlada catching us hugging, Violetta coming down and teasing or Olga coming in and irrupting again

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