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Before I start let's look at the characters!
Main character
16 years old
Instagram account:@PJliving_Mochi
Model and dancer
Main character
18 years old
Insta acc:@offical_suga
V (taehyung)
Jimin's bestie
16 years old
Insta acc:@King.Tae
Coffee shop waiter
Future boyfriend of Tae
15 years old
Insta acc:@kookiestealyogirl
Singer and songwriter
Mother of Kookie and chim(not really he pretends to)
19 years old
Insta acc:@pinkprincess4ever
Owns popular coffee shop
Best friend of Jimin
17 years old
Insta acc:@IMNamjoon
Has rich parents no need to work
Best friends with Jimin and the rest
17 years old
Insta acc:@brightsunshine
Sister of Jimin
15 years old
Insta acc:@pure
Works as model too

Jimin's pov:
I woke up suddenly by the disruptive scream of my ignorant sister."GET UP OR ELSE WE WILL BE LATE!"Laura screamed repeatedly whilst stomping her feet on the wooden floor.I covered my ears to avoid the horrified screech and instantly through a pillow at young girl.I rushed to the bathroom just in case she starts screaming in my harmed ear,also I wanted to get ready to go to school.

~time passes~
I was already for school all I needed to do was wait for my bratty sister to finish her 'ruined' make-up,she kept going on about how the popular girls will make fun of her and she wants to look perfect for jungkook aka MY BEST FRIEND.
I don't see why every girl in her year loves him so much,I just see a annoying ordinary boy not some knight in shining armor that the girls referred him as that.I was tempted to walk out of the door living my sister running late by herself  but on the other hand I don't want to get screeched at infront of my friends by Laura,Although I went for a risk and sprinted out of the house.I stopped sprinting after I was half a mile from the house and walked.It was nice how there was no annoying brat loudly speaking,the fresh air was perfect for a bright-lighted day,the emerald green trees standing tall as I walked past them.I remember to check on my Instagram and I immediately decided to post a picture of my most favorite rapper suga since my page is all about suga and nothing else.I don't post any selfies of my self because I found myself a ugly fat potato that's why I work out strictly everyday 5 hours straight no breaks however I still find myself fat and ugly and I grew quite ill but I didn't show so my friends wouldn't worry as much.
As I arrived I saw my friends Taehyung  hoseok jungkook and namjoon waiting impatiently for me,Jungkook quickly spotted me walking towards them and pointed at me angrily .as I reached them they started angrily shouting at me ."WHY ARE YOU LATE ALL THE TIME?!"they all screamed into my ear loudly.I explained about the Laura problem I had to deal with everyday.As i finished explaining I realized still needed to post a picture of Suga.So I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and posted the pic.
PJliving_mochi just posted a new post.

PJliving_mochi just posted a new post

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King.Tae and 13 other people like your post.
Just watched him perform on TV,so good 👌🏻#bestperfomance

King.Tae:You and your obsession for this guy 😂
Kookiestealyogirl:watched him perform yesterday at the ACTUAL CONCERT
Pinkprincess4ever:Stop bragging @kookiestealyogirl
Kookiestealyogirl:nah it's more fun my way than your way 😄

I looked at comments and scrolled down.As soon as I read the comments I instantly shot death glares at the maknae.he looked at me nervously and asked.

Thank you reading  this really bad chapter
I j-hope you liked it and don't be jungshook that this is a really horrible chapter because the future chapters are gonna be as bad :)
And if you were reading my reader x crush I quit it because I was really confused of the story cause I didn't understand it and I kinda improved my writing skills and it was different than now so I didn't wanna re do the whole thing you know what I mean right?

Ashley out x

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