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So this is the first message I had in this book.I would just like to say thank you for reading this book all I can I'm speechless on how people like my book.

So Um you may hate my guts after you read the other parts.DONT KILL ME OR SUE ME LIKE YOU DID WITH YOONGI.or report me :).Also the people I know and are reading this don't hate me please because like I need time.

So I am kinda taking a break..FOR ONLY 1 WEEK THOUGH!im not quitting because writting has been my number one passion.the reasons why I'm taking a break is.
1.SO KINCSO AND RAFA CAN HAVE A PUNISHMENT.only because they always force me to write chapters when I don't feel like doing.dont worry I still love them :)))))
2.i ran out of ideas and I will be taking this break to think of great ideas that will blow your flipping minds!!!!maybe not though. fingers are killing me with all this typing.
4.spend time with my family even though I don't wanna but meh.
And 5.School is shit Mann.i bloody have lots of ugly ass assessment and homework that I don't bloody want to.

Please just understand me and not kill if you kill me there won't be anymore fading in the moonlight:))BUT I WILL DO IT AS A GHOST.


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