You're a softy

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Laura's pov:
It has been an hour since Jimin has been crying.he ate at least 10 chocolate ice creams that I bought for him.And watched the notebook.I told jungkook and tae to come and they told me they had to finish I think they're coming now.Jimin was still crying and I had to comfort him ALL THE TIME!i heard a knock in the door so I went to open the door to see who it I opened the door,I saw a familiar beautiful girl with dirty blonde hair.she was SOO stunning I can't seem to take my eyes off her.I blushed as I saw her.she smirked."hey Laura i came to see little soft ball"she said."first how do you know my name,second HOW ARE YOU SO PRETTY and lastly who's soft ball?"I asked curiously while blushing.she giggled which made me blush harder."You don't remember me?im Adaline aka Addy!and second I'm a natural beauty and you're pretty too!and lastly chimmy is the soft ball he called me to check up on him."Adaline said whilst it can't be Addy the person who plays with Jimin?i had a tiny attraction to her.but wow she changed!i just nodded and let her in.she saw Jimin crying and had a worried face.she rushed to him and embraced him."aww ugly bitch is such a softy.its okay...You won't see Yoongi anymore."she said while hugging him tightly.I sat down next to them and smiled."I WANT TO SEE YOONGI I LOVE HIIMM"Jimin wined."he hurt you oppa"I said worriedly."I DONT CAREE!"he wined."did you let him have alcohol or something?"Adaline asked."a bit but as soon as I went to the toilet it was all gone and I know it's illegal but let him be."I said loudly at the end.she just smiled at me soo cutee omllll.we both heard someone knock on the door."that must  be jungkook and taehyung"I said happily.i went to the door and let them soon as jungkook saw my oppa crying he sprinted to him and gave him a big tight bear hug."it's okay hyung.I will protect youuuu"he said playfully.he smelled him and his eyes widen."don't ask why he smells like alcohol"I said annoyed."Laura told us what happened with the Yoongi I'm going to kill the fuck out him"he threatened which made everyone laugh even Jimin!"I wish Jin was here..."Jimin whispered."welll...."Jungkook and Taehyung said at the same soon as that We all heard a knock on the door.i frowned and opened the was Jin lmao what a surprise.Jin came in and greeted everyone.after that he hugged Jimin."don't worry mama got you.AND I TOLD YOU YOONGI WAS A BAD FOR YOU!"he shouted. And slapped Jimin making him wine."hyung you're suppose to try and help Jimin not abuse him."Taehyung wined.After that we heard ANOTHER knock on the door."fuck sakes"I whispered.jimin hit me in the shoulder giving me a little bruise.i opened the door and saw...YOONGI?!?what the fuck."hello Laura I came to apologize for my behavior around Jimin"he said formally and I just nodded in shock."everyone apart from Jimin go upstairs"I demanded and everyone did.Yoongi came and saw a crying Jimin.Jimin saw Yoongi and looked like he was about to melt.Yoongi laughed and sat next to Jimin.i just went upstairs just in case I see them making out.

Third person.
Yoongi sat down next to Jimin.and hugged Jimin."I'm sorry Baby boy"he said while smiling.Jimin just cried with joy making Yoongi smile."you're a softy"he said while giggling.

This was horrible but I don't give a shit so yah!

Ashley out mannn

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