get the fuck out

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Jimin's pov:

It's been a month since I talked to Yoongi.I don't know what has gotten into him and I'm worried sick about him.Everyone has been worried too but not as much as me though.Everyone has been worried about me too about the Yoongi thing and my health.As I got to school I saw namjoon being happy and stuff."hey Jimin"he said with happiness."what's up with you?"I asked instantly."You're going to visit Yoongi"he said swollen eyes widen."but he doesn't want to see me plus I don't want him to see me look shitty"I said ."I convinced him to let you come today after school"I explained.i just nodded happily.

~after school~

As school ended.I got out of the building nervously.i saw namjoon coming up to me."Jimin you're going to be okay!"he said still happily."I'm nervous after not seeing him for one whole month"I whispered nervously."you're going to be fine!i need to go see Jin gotta go!"he said after that he disappears.I finally got to my driving license and my own car.i went to the parking lot and saw jungkook and taehyung making out.I grinned and took a picture.

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Pretend it is not fan art.

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Theonlyyoongi and addythehoe and 8727394 liked your post!

them bitches need to stop sucking each other in public.😂

Addthehoe:this is so beautiful 😭😍

Yoongi liked my post?Oh well probably just did it on accident.I saw jungkook and Tae looking at me.i smiled at them like I was innocent and they just rolled their eyes and went back to their passionate make out session.I got into my car and started driving.

~In yoongi's apartment~

As I got to his apartment I awkwardly knocked on his door.he instantly opened the door.Yoongi's eyes were goddam swollen and had the clothes he had a month eyes widen."are you okay Hyung?"I asked worriedly leaving my nervousness to the side.he just nodded."Hyung you don't look so good..."I worriedly said again."IM OKAY"he shouted angrily making me jump a bit.I got in his apartment and bit my lip awkwardly."so why the hell did you ignore me for a month?"I asked instantly."nothing."he whispered whilst sitting on his couch.i sat next to him but he moved himself to the edge of the couch trying to get away from me."are you sure Hyung?"I asked again."YES I'M FINE!"He shouted once eyes widen as he shouted.he never did that to me.and for some reason I knew he didn't tell me the truth.I was furious that he didn't tell me the truth."I KNOW YOU AREN'T!"I shouted back."TELL ME THE TRUTH HYUNG!"I demanded.I was about to slap him but he grabbed my wrist and looked at me with his swollen little eyes."WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?"he shouted while letting go of my wrist."BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU BITCH!"I shouted.i regretted saying that as soon as that Yoongi looked away."Get the fuck out"he said calmly."What!"I shouted."I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I WILL MAKE YOU!"he shouted letting the fury out.I just sat there in shock and soon I nodded angrily.before I went I looked at him and he looked at me."I thought I loved you...but I guess I don't.."I whispered.he knew what I said.I saw him look guilty.i just went and slammed the door really hard and left bursting my eyes out.

As I got home I was still crying.i went inside and saw my sister looking at me worriedly."what happ-"before she could say What happened I just ran to my room and burst out tears.

Laura's pov:
As Jimin arrived I was about to ask where my phone was in his room but I saw him crying.before I could say what happened he instantly rushed to his room.i heard him cry loudly.I was worried so I called Tae.he answered."what"he asked annoyed."you may hate me but this discussion isn't about me.its about Jimin."I said without hesitating."I'm listening"he said.

Lol you hate.oh well

Ashley out Mann

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