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Kacey's pov:

YES FINALLY HE'S MINE!.I shook him a bit to wake him up.As he woke up he had a smirk."hey baby"He said with a smile.I sat on his lap facing him my legs spread."Are you ready babe?"I asked."as ready as you are jagi"He said leaning in kissing my neck.I groaned.He was still tied so I untied him."I ripped his shirt and pants leaving him with only his boxers.He started touching my boobs then ripped my clothes.leaving me with my underwear."you're so beautiful"Yoongi said."you too babe I love you."I confessed.But I didn't get a answer back instead he started biting my lips.

(sorry I didn't put a smut I felt uncomfortable just making what I just wrote so I decided not to for my sake sorry sorry)

the next day

Yoongi's pov:

As I woke up I didn't remember what happened but as I was naked.She probably just kissed my dick or something.She wasn't here so I got a chance to escape.I tried to find my clothes but I saw 6 police officers.

at the police station.

"your min Yoongi?"A police officer said.I nodded.I had clothes on btw."I was kidnapped by the stalker"I explained."I'm guessing she raped you"He said."I guess so."I said quietly."please don't tell Jimin this just tell him we found her and she is in prison."I said.The police officer looked confused."I don't want him to worry about it."I said.He just nodded."you can leave now"He said so I left.

at the house.

I opened the door to see a worried Jimin.He looked at me and was relieved.he rushed to me and hugged me tightly."where were you?YOU DIDNT ANSWER MY CALLS!I CALLED EVERYONE I WAS SO WORRIED."I didnt go in the meeting instead I was at the police station and told me they found her and i talked to her for a long time and my phone died"I lied hugging him back."I love you too much Yoongi"He confessed."I love you too Jimin"I said back."but I dont deserve you"I whispered having a tear roll down my face.


sorry I didnt do smut i bet some people wanted some so im sorry.FAKE LOVE IS SOO GOOD I WAS SCREAMING


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