Jimin's new life

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Jimin's pov:
It's been 4 years...I moved on from that brat.

The girl who I was talking about is now my fiancée and we have been dating for 3 years now.her name is Seulgi.She is in a famous girl group called red velvet.I really love her.she is the girl for me.

we even have children of our own.2 beautiful twin girls called Hae and Hee-young.the names are both picked by me because they have meanings.

Hae means a girl who is like an ocean.my love for my babies are like the never ending ocean and they are beautiful just like an ocean.I hope she will give faith and hope to everyone around her and continue like a never ending ocean.

Hee-young means joy and prosperity,a girl who brings joy and prosperity wherever she goes.I had a feeling she would be that kind of girl who will bring happiness to everyone.basically I want my girls to have happiness and not sadness in their lives so they won't feel like I was feeling in the past.if they don't give those to things  to other, people who start treating the same way and might end up in a dump of evil and depression.

Now you might be asking I got her pregnant too early.they were...unplanned.I don't mean to be rude but they were unplanned but I still love them dearly.
I would often think about Yoongi.how he is feeling and how he is doing.I moved on but as he? Well obviously he can't because look at me.
I heard his baby is a boy and called him Jihoon but his nickname is Woozi.I don't give a shit but oh well.

I haven't posted in ages this time I have no excuse so sorryy


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