Shiet down!

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Ignore the title I just wanted to put that 🙃

Jimin's pov:
I can't with my parents anymore.I aggressively punch my punching bag in my room."UGHH"I raged.I heard the door open."what do you want?"I screamed in anger.I turned around to see my dad.he looks calm and intrigued."Bitch what?"I screamed again staring in his eyes.He may seem fearless but I can tell in his eyes that he is frightened.I smirked at him and he gave me a confused look."If I see you with the gay hot I mean disgusting boy again I will punish you."he said strictly.I just laughed hard."first I'm not scared two you just called Yoongi hot third I can spill to mum that you cheated on her with a guy"I said whilst laughing."she won't believe you.She is too inlove with me.."he whispered a bit tense."if you don't want me here then kick me out I don't care anymore"I said confidently."no I won't we need your earn more than all of us"he said.I just pushed me out of my room.and am I gonna see my love again?suddenly I heard a knock on the window.i looked to see Yoongi?climbing on a tree?i opened to window and let him in."hey you doing?"He asked."by Hyung not to well.I feel sick of being in prison"I said sadly.He was pretty much dumbfounded for a minute and he shaped his mouth like an o to say he finally realized.i chuckled at his cuteness."my parents only want me here for money Hyung"I said.I was about to cry but did not."live with me then"He said with a smiled."I don't know hyung...what about Laura?they want her here because of money too"I whispered.he kissed my cheek I smiled at how cute he is."she can live with me too"he said again with a smiled.i just smiled."go get Laura and tell her to pack her things."He whispered.i just nodded and obeyed.

~30 minutes later~

"Are you sure mum and dad won't notice?"Laura said worriedly."all they do is work,sleep and yeah"I said giving her a cheeky smile."let's get out of the window"Yoongi said and Laura just nodded and did what he we all jumped of the window.we all landed perfectly don't worry.we ran with our stuff to yoongi's car.i just stopped."wait what about my car?"I said worriedly."go drive your car while Laura and me go in my car"Yoongi said instantly.i just nodded and went to car.

Before we left I left and note which said:

Dear bitches :)

I hope you forget about me and Laura because we are gonna move out of the ugly ass jail.don't come for us because we are gonna live a WAYYY happier life so yeah.btw You can't get into my bank anymore.;)))(and Laura's)

From your not anymore children.

Oops I didn't upload for 2 days.well there is something called resting so yah.sorry anyways.

Ashley out mannn

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