Yoongi's flashback

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Yoongi's flashback

when Yoongi was just 5 when he met kacey. kacey's mum and Yoongi's mum were the best friends ever.

Kacey and Yoongi were friends.Kacey had a huge crush on Yoongi.She would stalk him everyday when both of the mums aren't together.When Yoongi was playing basketball with some of his friends Kacey would be a far distance  but Yoongi didn't know that when he was younger.

as he grew into high school he became to produce music and started having a little crush on kacey not huge though.He would always share his music with kacey and they always spend time with each other.Although something broke their friendship badly kacey's mistake ruined their friendship.ruined everything.

Kacey was going to confess and tell Yoongi how he makes her go insane.Kacey saw Yoongi walking up to her with one of his cutest gummy smiles she loves."hey Yoongi"Kacey said with a wave and smile."Hello child"He said teasingly making Kacey blush madly."HEY im only  a year younger than you"Kacey said with a pout making Yoongi chuckle."so cute"Yoongi mumbled.

"I have something to tell you"Kacey said shyly."what is it ?"Yoongi asked with a smile."well it all started when we were little well i-i"Kacey stuttered in embarrassment."come you can say it"Yoongi chuckled."I-I like you!NO I LOVE YOU!wait what am i saying?IM INLOVE WITH YOU YOONGI"ever since we were little i was inlove with you!I would always i mean always stalk you and i-i even have a shrine of you!sadly its a little one I EVEN KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!when you have basketball practice and when you shower and when you go to bed!PLEASE BE MY BOYFRIEND YOONGI"Kacey shouted blushing.

Yoongi's eyes widened.His smile has disappeared and was replaced with a frown."e-excuse me?"Yoongi asked in shock."you heard me yoongi pls say yes"Kacey begged.it was dead silence with a lot of tension until Yoongi broke the silence."no"he said in disgust."w-what w-why?"Kacey said she was about to cry."I can't have a creepy stalker as my girlfriend!ITS DISGUSTING!to know when i shower go to bed and probably  now when i eat!I even bet YOU watch me FUCKING SHOWER!no wonder you hang out with me all the time because you fucking have no friends!you just ruined our friendship.dont even think about talking to me ever again!"Yoongi shouted madly.

As soon as yoongi disappeared. Kacey burst out crying.her heart was broken and dead,without yoongi she felt empty."YOONGI!!!"Kacey screamed with tears,rain drops started dropping making kacey wet."I WANTED TO LIVE MY WHOLE SHITTY LIFE WITH YOU!GET MARRIED,HAVE 6 KIDS,BECOME GRANDPARENTS AND HAPPILY DIE TOGETHER!!WHY CANT THAT HAPPEN!!"She screamed once more."Yoongi w-why"she sniffed."YOU will regret rejecting me."kacey whispered to herself angrily.

after a day or two Yoongi still couldn't believe Kacey said that.He started having all the curtains closed,always looks around to see if Kacey was creeping around and ignored all her messages."what a creeper"Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes in his bed."honey Kacey is here!"Yoongi's mum shouted from downstairs.'shit i didnt tell my mum'Yoongi thought."tell her to go home and die in a fucking ugly ass hole where she belongs and also tell her to stop BEING A FUCKING CREEPER!"Yoongi shouted angrily."I WILL NOT GO HOME!"Kacey screamed back.Yoongi heard footsteps coming so he locked his bedroom."LET ME IN!"Kacey screamed while punching the door."Kacey sweetie stop it"his mum said calmly trying to stop kacey."NO GET OFF ME OLD WOMAN!"Kacey screamed at her.Kacey kicked her making yoongi's mum scream in pain."YOONGI!"Yoongi's mum screamed.Yoongi quickly opened the door and ran to his mum who was in the floor still screaming in pain."eomma its gonna be fine"Yoongi said calmly with a warm smile."YOONGI YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!"Kacey screamed.Yoongi turned around to see Kacey holding a chair."kacey stop!put that shit down!"Yoongi commanded."NO! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME?MY POOR FUCKING HEART IS FUCKING BROKEN BECAUSE OF YOU!"Kacey screamed."CAN'T YOU JUST TAKE A NO FOR AN ANSWER?"Yoongi screamed.as soon as he said Kacey bashed the chair on Yoongi's head making Yoongi collapse ."shit YOONGI!"Kacey screamed realising what she did.she dropped the chair and put her hand on her mouth.She run to him but was stopped by Yoongi's mum."GET AWAY FROM HIM!LOOK WHAT YOU DID!YOU ARENT ALLOWED IN THIS FUCKING HOUSE EVER AGAIN!AND TELL YOU SHITTY MUM SHE ISNT ALLOWED HERE TOO!"Yoongi's mum screamed.Making Kacey flinch and running out of the house."hello?my son collapsed."

end of flashback.

Yoongi was in tears.Jimin turned around to see him."Babe are you okay?!"Jimin said worriedly."n-no j-just stay away from Kacey she is the stalker"Yoongi said while wiping his tears."ARE YOU SURE?"Jimin screamed.Yoongi nodded and took out his phone."who are you calling?"Tae asked curiously."the police"Yoongi said confidently.




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