I lov-

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Jimin's pov:
It was the last lesson of the day and it had to be Science.If Jin was here he would have suffered since he apparently got 4 marks on an 1 hour test.It was so boring one girl started sleeping.My teacher looked at everyone and sighed."Do what you want!"she frowned.everyone cheered and started talking to their friend.Adaline and Taehyung came to me."So Adaline told me about Yoongi"Tae teased whilst smirking.I glared at Addy who was giggling."its just a little date you know"I whispered.Taehyung looked at a bunch of girls who were whispering at each other whilst looking at me.one girl was blushing madly.Addy stared at them with satisfaction."they're cute"she explained."since when did you become lesbian?"I asked her in shock."Since you left,I tried to make girl friends"She explained.The bunch of girls pushed the girl who was blushing to me leaving her in my arms."I-I'm s-sorry o-oppa"she stuttered blushing madly.I just nodded whilst staring at her."U-uh my n-name is Ciara!"she stuttered again."I'm Jimin.do you have a stuttering problem or something?"I asked her.Adaline nudged me and shooting death glares at me."n-no I just u-uh l-love y-you o-oppa!"she stuttered again while hiding her face."Sorry Ciara I can't love you."I said quietly.She just nodded sadly and looked like she was about to cry.As she got to her friends she started sobbing.her friends gave me glares but I just rolled my eyes at them."that was like the second time this day hyung!"Tae shouted."can you get me some ladies?"Adaline asked whilst pouting.I just laughed.

~After school~

As soon school finished I instantly started walking to my house.As I got there I went straight to my room to start thinking about Yoongi.


Yoongi you're always in my head these days...what are you doing to me?why am I so desperate to always see you when you're not around?"I miss your cute gummy smile"I whispered to myself.I finally stopped thinking and talking to myself,I decided to post something since I barely have anything to do.

Chimchim just posted a new post!

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Addythehoe:lol you could have just hanged out with me after school you dumb hoe
King.tae:I live right in front of you 😑
Brightsunshine:@addthehoe @king.tae he wants to see Yoongi that's why 😁
Chimchim:@brightsunshine shut the fuck up or else I will shove your horse face in your ass hole.

~8:00 pm~

8:00 pm YESS finally!!!I got out of the door and started running to the park.

As I got there the spot that I used to go to I saw a beautiful Yoongi sitting down.I sat down next to him making him smile."you actually came Jiminie"he said."of course I would!"I replied happily.we both stared into each other's eyes.I looked at is lips and he looked at mine,we both where tempted to kiss each other.we did it anyway.Our tongue touching each others I felt him smiling.we both backed away."I lov-"he was about to say something but got interrupted by a phone call.he frowned and answered."what?"he asked angrily.As he listened his eyes widen and widen.he ended the call and looked at me worriedly."I need to go Chim"he said as he left.fading in the moonlight....

YOU CAN KILL ME IF YOU WANT!!! Expect you kincso and Rafa!!!!cause you guys love me to death😉

Ashley out mannnn(hurriedly to try and not get killed)

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